Follow A Religion Vs. Live Life And See What Happens At Death

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Dear Laura, Should we follow a religion to believe in God, or live our lives and see what happens after death? –Rene Starink, Crete, Greece Dear Rene, Great question! In contrast to some powerful religious factions, I believe that we are each free to worship in the way that feels right and comfortable to us. Despite their pontifications, no single organized religion has the inside ‘track to God’. Could you imagine a God who would…
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When We Cross Over, What Do We See?

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Dear Laura, I have been interested in psychic mediums and have been following most of their work. I have just been wondering that when we cross over are we able to see and experience the whole picture as in outer space or are we limited to earth? Thank you. –Christine T. Hi Christine, Thanks for your question. Yes, we have access to the whole picture and then some. Once we are no longer bound by…
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Suggestions to Connect With Guides After Loss of A Loved One

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Dear Laura, I recently experienced the loss of my dear brother. Like Bob Olson, a real skeptic and one who usually reasons away strange occurrences, I found myself experiencing a strong sense of his presence. Telling myself that it was grief that was causing these feelings, I tried to put them away. However, they began to occur more frequently as time passed, not less. I began researching the spirit world, through books, internet and finally…
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Violent Tragedy, Are My Loved Ones At Peace?

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Laura, I have been told that when a loved one leaves this world in a violent matter, they may not make it to the other side until their soul is at peace. How do I tell if they did make it to the other side? How do I know if their soul is at peace? I am having a hard time with a recent tragedy in my immediate family and have so many unanswered questions.…
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Did My Uncle Pass Knowing He Was Loved?

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Dear Laura, Recently my great uncle passed on. He was sick for many years and went through a lot before he died. At the end it was hard to understand him and it was difficult to talk to him. I told him that I loved him when he was sick but I don’t know if he heard me. I want him to know that we miss him. Did he reach The Other Side? Is he…
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Did I Do The Right Thing Euthanizing My Cancer Ridden Dog?

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Dear Laura, I just happened on to your website as I was searching to find information about animal spirits after death. I am in the midst of grieving for my wonderful dog, Miya. I euthanised her two weeks ago as she was in so much pain from cancer. I know it was inevitable, and I had two months to ready myself. She was my heart, and I miss her terribly. When we did the euthanasia…
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Overcoming The Loss of A Beloved Pet Who Died Alone

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Hello Laura, I am grieving the loss of my dog who was with me for 13 years. I was not present with him at the time that he passed on. I feel I abandoned him when he needed me the most. I have been having a deep sense of guilt. I want to try and contact him and know how he is doing and if he has forgiven me. Can you help me? Rachna Hello…
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Why Isn’t Spirit Life Clearer and More Accessible?

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Hello, Something that has always concerned me, is why God or Jesus, has never made spirit life clearer to us? For people like yourself, you have many of the answers, but to others without your gifts, we struggle on year after year, hearing different versions and not knowing quite who to believe. This is so frustrating, and more upsetting, when you pray always for understanding and wisdom, yet it doesn’t come. Why is this? Patricia…
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