Did My Uncle Pass Knowing He Was Loved?
Dear Laura,
Recently my great uncle passed on. He was sick for many years and went through a lot before he died. At the end it was hard to understand him and it was difficult to talk to him. I told him that I loved him when he was sick but I don’t know if he heard me.
I want him to know that we miss him. Did he reach The Other Side? Is he with God? Did he hear what I read at his funeral?
Thank you and God Bless~
Dear Aubrey,
Yes your Uncle felt the emotional and heartfelt things you said to him before he passed.
Like many souls on The Other Side, He sees things in a different way from where he is now, with a much broader understanding than he had when he was here on the earth plane. Your Uncle wants you to know that it brings him much joy to hear you laugh, it lifts your vibration and frequency higher.
Your Uncle knows how you feel and appreciated what you have done to promote his memories.
He crossed over to The Other Side just fine, and had a good adjustment. He says that you needn’t feel responsible. You are still dear to him, perhaps more so now that he can see the big picture than while he was here too ill to realize and unable to tell you himself. Take peace Aubrey.