What is the Difference Between Spirit Guides and Angels?

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Dear Laura, I was wondering if you could explain to me what the difference is between spirit guides and angels? I also wanted to know if you ever let a disincarnate, which I was taught to have negative energy, channel through you? Thanks, Elaine Hello Elaine, Spirit Guides and Angels are like different members of the same team, I like to use the example of ‘different branches of the same government’ in my lectures. If…
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What is Reincarnation? Has Everyone Done It?

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Dear Laura, What is reincarnation? Has everyone done it? Curious Hello Curious, Reincarnation means rebirth of the soul into another body. One easy analogy for this is to liken your body to a car. When your car wears out, you get another one…and so too does the soul. We get just one body perincarnation (that’s why it’s so important to take care of it!). Most people have experienced reincarnation, though there is often no conscious…
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Can I Connect with Deceased Loved Ones Without A Medium?

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Dear Laura, I just “found” you via Bob Olson as he was our guest host tonight in the James Van Praagh chat room…thru the links provided to his sites, I then found your column. 2 years ago I had a horrible loss. My grief led me to learning about spiritual visits, connections, etc. I was very fortunate to find a gifted and authentic reader. I had a wonderful reading and am so grateful for that…but…
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How Do I Feel Better About Myself?

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Hi Laura, I have very low self esteem and am destroying myself with negative thoughts. How do I feel better about myself? I have done some bad things in the past and now it is all erupting in my mind and I can not take it. I would be very happy if you have any suggestions or what i should do. I am on an anti depressant and I really do not know if it…
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Do We Ever Get Perfect Enough To Not Reincarnate Again?

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Dear Laura I have been told by everyone who speaks of reincarnation that we do this to better ourselves and become perfected enough to go back to God. If each lifetime bring on new problems and different mistakes than how do we ever get perfect enough to not to have to reincarnate again? –DT Hi DT, Ahhh, there is a lot of agitation in your question…let me see if I can put your mind at…
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Intention vs Willingness

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Dear Laura, Thank you for all you do to help others. Can you tell me if you believe in intention? How is that different than willingness? –UK Hello UK Yes, I absolutely believe in intention! The difference between intention and willingness is this: Intention is directing your focus towards a goal or purpose. Willingness is the act of happily showing up for life and being available for and interested in engaging in life each day.…
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What’s The Difference Between Karma And Fate?

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Dear Laura, What is the difference between fate and Karma? I often feel a strong connection to another person and believe we have had past lives together. Do we always have to repeat past life issues or are we here again with the chance to resolve those issues? If someone hurt you or thought you were responsible in the past, does this mean it is doomed to happen again? –Curious Dear Curious, Don’t worry, both…
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Can Someone Have Memories Of Being On The Other Side?

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Dear Laura Is it possible for someone to have memories of being on the Other Side? –JF Yes it is! This phenomena is more common amongst older souls who often have a sense of homesickness for something that doesn’t exist here on earth. Others experience a blurring of boundaries catching snatches of memories and recollections during dream or waking states. Our ‘lives between lives’ is just beginning to get more attention here on earth. During…
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Let Down By Big Name Reader’s Push To Sell Course Worth Thousands

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Dear Laura, I went to a big name reader and had a horrible experience. This person kept saying they were accessing their guides and not mine. I felt that they were on auto pilot, not listening to me and just trying to sell me their course for $7,000 to become more psychic. The experience was such a let down. Any advice? –NJ Dear NJ, I have been hearing this more and more. Generally speaking, first,…
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What Is The Nature Of Time? Why Must We Age?

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Laura, Could you please explain to myself and your readers the nature of time in our lives and the important role it plays? For example, why must we age? Also, what importance is there in being “born” to a particular time and place? Thank you! Wade Werner Hello Wade, Thank you for your juicy questions. Time is a phenomena that exists on the Earth Plane only. There is no such thing as time on The…
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