Reiki Certification & Intuitive Mentoring

My one-on-one virtual Reiki students are folks just like you…people who want to learn Reiki & Distance Healing online—for themselves—and for helping others!
And this makes good sense, especially in these pandemic times. The world needs healing more than ever—and we need more healers!
Perhaps you, too, are now feeling called…
And if you are…this is the way.
This is where healers & healing practices are born.
Reiki Certification combined with your
Intuitive Alignment & Healer Support Mentoring Program
helps you maximize your potential as a healer.
Embracing your empathic intuitive self, integrating that with your new modalities…it’s likely you’ll need some help!
As an expert wise woman healer & a way shower of many decades—I know what it takes and what to look out for.
Combining your Reiki Training with Mentoring affords you sacred support time after receiving your Reiki attunements that you need to unfold, expand, and claim your growing dreams…and I’ll be there—virtually beside you—mentoring you along the way.
Reiki (Ray-key) is Universal Life Force Energy transmitted through the hands or intention of the practitioner. Reiki is different from other forms of healing energy practice because it’s also a daily Spiritual practice. It’s a form of energy medicine practiced daily on myself and loved ones.
Reiki is a powerful and effective distance healing technique from ancient Japan. It’s used for relaxation, stress reduction and promoting healing. This spiritual healing modality is a valuable tool for yourself and your loved ones.
Learning this gentle, safe, integrative spiritual healing technique is
a bridge to new levels of Consciousness & Loving Awareness.
Reiki is both learned through an oral transfer of knowledge from your Reiki Master and activated through receiving your attunements or initiation.
An initiation is a new beginning and a sacred experience.
Reiki’s beautiful energy healing can be used to calm and harmonize the body, mind and spirit. It may also be used to reduce the symptoms of many physical, mental & emotional issues.
It helps people, pets, plants and so much more!
It helps people, pets, plants, and so much more!

Your Reiki Master Teacher is your emissary & ambassador into your next initiation phase of your soul journey & healing. They can be a vital source of support & an important touchstone along your way.
- Are you interested in learning Reiki?
- What do you need to become a successful healer?
- How would support & mentoring help you to succeed?
- What & whom do you want to help heal?
- Could energy healing be part of your soul’s spiritual calling?
- Is your heart searching for more purpose & interconnection?
I’m here to help support you on your unique, sacred journey of discovery & unfoldment that comes with a daily spiritual practice like Reiki. I stand with you as a Healer, Reiki Master Teacher, Channel, Medical Intuitive & Soul Specialist.
Receiving your Reiki education and attunements can be a sacred, memorable time.
It can be a highly impactful and meaningful experience for you.

Reiki can also activate your latent intuitive gifts, help you to achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness & put you in direct contact with new healing guides and guidance from your Higher, Wiser Self.
We’ll be supporting this in your mentoring program work.
Energy Healing like Reiki is one of the fastest growing fields in energy medicine and holistic integrative healing with some impressive statistics on its powerful healing benefits. There’s a reason why this form of energy medicine is so popular & used by health care professionals…IT WORKS!
How I came to Reiki …
Reiki was led to me when I was in the throes of my own spiritual awakening long ago.
I was breaking open through the shattering of sheer heartache when my marriage came apart. My life was both yanked out from under my feet as well as coming to me from Above in flickers & glimpses through my deep meditations—I was becoming something—however I didn’t quite know what yet.
At that time, I was helping out as a teaching assistant in a Bach Flower Essence Class when one of the students pulled me aside after class and said, “I’m a nurse and Reiki Master Teacher and I’ve been watching you. My teaching partner and I have a Reiki class we’re teaching next weekend—you need to come, you have to be there, you’re coming as my guest. This is important. It’s what you need to do. Here’s the address.”
I was a true blank slate then… I didn’t know what Reiki was & wasn’t aware I’d ever heard the word before. I barely knew this person inviting me to her class as her guest. Still, I trusted my gut that I was being led…and I bravely showed up.
During that fateful Reiki class, things clicked together for me on such deep levels. My first attunement was a profoundly sacred experience.
In life, even a spiritual birth canal can be so disorienting…up to then while unfolding I couldn’t yet tell just who I was meant to be in the tumult of grief/separation/divorce. Yet there I was…in my Reiki attunement with soul insight, a quickening. Perhaps I was coming home or perhaps I was going forward to my destiny’s home…Maybe it was all those things.
In the weeks and months after being Reiki I & II certified, my channel opened wider, my intuition deepened, my grief softened, my meditation changed—along with my sense of purpose, clarity & joy. So much was impacted! In retrospect, Reiki was Life giving me a fresh pair of perfect prescription glasses—and my heart said…”ahhhh.”
For the first time in a looong time, I had a glimpse of knowing that I was going to be okay—more than okay, and a knowing came over me that other things were beckoning.
It’s from that sacred space over a quarter of a century later that I’m so honored to be here as your Reiki Master Teacher now welcoming you.

So… It’s possible that you too, might not yet fully know what brought you here.
You can walk into a restaurant hungry, not exactly knowing what you want to order. You too may be trusting your gut…arriving simply wanting to eat, curious to see the menu & feel inspired.
Then, something has led you here…
Trust that you know the way.

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Level I & II Professional Certification
In your private, personal online training with me, you will:
- Learn the history & ethics of Reiki as well as the universal principles of self-healing
- Learn the four aspects & nine elements
- Learn the 5 Reiki Precepts & Daily Prayer
- Receive the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki I & II Degree Attunements
- Learn hand positions for self-healing & self-care treatment
- Be given meditations & gentle breathing practices to enhance Reiki flow
- Learn how to set up & give both long distance & in-person treatments with scanning & beaming
- Receive downloadable Reiki manual used for Level I & II
- Be attuned in private 1-on-1 attunements
- Receive practitioner tips & support
- Learn how to use Reiki to enhance the energy of food, medication and plants as well as an intro on how to transmit Reiki to animals
- Receive Mp3 class recordings of covered manual material
- Learn hand placements targeting all major chakras to diagnose blocks & provide steady energy flow to align and balance
- Meet your Personal team of Healing Guides, Angels, Ascended Masters providing you with the most powerful energies available to you at this time for your healing journey (optional)
- Learn how to increase your ability to transmit Reiki energy & boost Reiki flow to your hands
Reiki symbols are doorways in consciousness
that stretch through time and space so
healing & transformation can happen very quickly.
With your three main symbols of Reiki I & II you will:
- Learn to increase your ability to direct energy for physical healing
- Learn to Increase your intuition, psychic ability & mental focus
- Learn the “many hands” healing technique
- Create a state of mind of “oneness” in order to do distant healing for others
- Invoke energies of protection and empowerment
- Learn how to empower intentions and goals for rapid manifestation
- Receive your Reiki I & II Usui Shiki Ryoho Degree Certificate of completion for this level
- Learn how to send Reiki into the past to heal traumas for yourself and others
Benefits of Reiki for Yourself & Others—the SHORT LIST!
- Promotes health
- Relaxation
- Reduces stress/tension/anxiety
- Enhances quality of life & wellness
- Pain reduction
- Improves sleep
- Treats whole person: mind/body/spirit
- Spiritual healing practice
- Deepens your connection to ALL
- Helping heal animals & the planet
- …and so much more!
Your Reiki Certification Is Combined With A Powerful Mentoring Program

Intuitive Alignment & Healer Support Mentoring Programs
As an expert wayshower, I know what it takes to help you uplevel—and what to look out for…
During your one-on-one time bespoke program we’ll discover:
How do you want to use Reiki as a spiritual healing tool in your life?
Once we identify this, your training will be custom tailored to this to help accelerate & support your process.
Where you are on your intuitive path. Reiki gives you access to opening your intuitive gifts, heart and senses on a deep level—I’ll help support you with that.
Specific ways to aid your personal goals with conscious assistance beyond your Reiki Certification—so that you can begin becoming more of whatever it is your empathic soul desires you to be.
You have access to my decades of wisdom and experience as a Healer, Channel, Mystic & Soul Specialist, and benefit from how uniquely positioned your mentor is to birth new Reiki practitioners as healers — and to support you on your journey in super empowered, intuitive ways.
Whether you are a new Reiki healer awakening or an experienced one seeking to live more intuitively aligned…I can help. My ancient wisdom & soul sherpa tool kit are here to assist with your personal mentoring goals and empathic growth.
You’ll learn about & be supported through:
Why daily practice time is integral for your attunements to take hold & helps your Reiki to lift off.
How even a little bit of Reiki self-care quickly re-centers you—swiftly improving the vibe.
What comes up for you as you begin incorporating this powerful spiritual practice into your daily life?

We’ll tailor your time based upon your needs & reflections as you explore new levels of your own exquisite intuitive understandings while opening deeper spiritually.
Your solid foundation platform serves you well as a healer—wheresoever you choose to direct it. Be it for personal or professional use, or both! Whether you are working with people, animals, the nature kingdom, or more…I’m here for you as you grow and deepen your talents on your journey as a talented empathic healer.
As your Reiki Master Teacher, Mentor & wise Soul Sherpa guide, I know countless ways to help you lift off and shine.
Your beautiful path. When you succeed, it’s a better world.
Come with your soul’s beautiful intentions for love & learn how to deepen your spiritual & healing evolution
What people are saying...
Limitless possibilities! Use it for things like expanding your intuition, meeting/strengthening your connection with ALL, Guides, & more, identifying your empath archetypes and skill sets so we can expand on them, empowering you into your goals—whether you desire a heart-centered soulpreneur practice or already have one and are adding a modality. I’m here to Divine wing woman you and make your dreams of soul centered expansion real. (Because I love how you look when your ancient stardust shines…!!)
Welcome back beloved! Time for your Divine-Redo! Sign up! Let’s get you FULLY launched. Life happens…this time, you’re ready! I can feel it!! And with all the extra support & encouragement of the Intuitive Alignment & Healer Support Mentoring Programs — we’ll get you ready to Reiki fly. Let’s do this! Choose 6 or 12 sessions and I’ll assess, review, re-certify you if necessary, and support your socks off! Hot hands here you come! Contact my office for your special returnee discount info! 🙂
If you feel called here, you may benefit from the Intuitive Alignment & Healer Support Mentoring Program. I’m only working with Reiki students who I’ve personally trained & attuned so that we’re singing on the same song sheet about what you’ve learned. Choose 6 or 12 sessions then I’ll assess, Reiki certify and support you! Healer, here you come!
Correct. I’m mentoring & supporting Reiki Practitioners, Intuitives, Empaths, Lightworkers, Soulpreneurs & Healers for 6 or 12 weeks in this program. Your Reiki Certification Training comes included with that, along with the benefit of my three decades of wisdom & expertise as a professional Healer, Psychic Medium, Medical Intuitive, Reiki Master Teacher, Channel, Mystic & Soul Specialist…so, YOUR sacred journey unfolds in good expert care.
Absolutely! That’s what support mentoring programs are for & why I’m here. Be as unique as you like. Keep progressing! Keep growing your dreams and launching that fabulous soul-filled business! YES!!!
No worries love! You’ll get the most from your training by simply being present while we work one-on-one virtually in Reiki Class, without any note-taking. Your certification includes my full pdf handbook & text book list, so you don’t have to worry.
Annnnd, during your mentoring I will take the notes for you and then share them as neatly organized pdf’s with tips for you afterwards. Plus it’s also recorded for you! Pretty cool huh? 😉
For more information on mentoring policies, click here.

- have a sense that something led them here
- are knowers on some level
- show up willing to participate in the process
- ready to grow + expand
- are open to nurturing their soul growth
- have a holistic + abundance mindset
- have questions that will take me to my creative/strategic edge
- pay their invoices quickly
- respect & value quality work
- have strong boundaries
- are tuning into/have tuned into their intuition
- and are happy to be here
It’s best to seek elsewhere if you:
- lack respect for my wisdom, skills & contribution
- feel you need to test me & the process
- are unwilling or uncomfortable communicating what is really on your heart
- are not open to practicing self-care

“As soon as healing takes place, go out and heal somebody else.”
― Maya Angelou