The Unsettling Feeling of Falling Backwards in Meditation

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Hi Laura, During meditation I reach a certain point of relaxation and then I feel like I am falling backwards. It’s very unsettling and it startles me out of the flow of meditation completely. What is going on? a fan Dear Fan, You are starting to astrally project and a falling sensation is common when folks are leaving their body. A lot of folks leave their body without even knowing what it is…have you ever…
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How To Trust The Info You Receive

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Dear Laura, I need to know if I am on the right path. The things that I receive… are they fairly clear or are they clouded with my own viewpoints? Thanks Nora Hello Nora, If you are using proper grounding and centering techniques it becomes easier and easier to get ‘clear’ information and feel that you are ‘One with The Flow.’ Check out the Grounding & Centering CD in the Ancient Stardust Tools for Change…
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Why Isn’t Spirit Life Clearer and More Accessible?

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Hello, Something that has always concerned me, is why God or Jesus, has never made spirit life clearer to us? For people like yourself, you have many of the answers, but to others without your gifts, we struggle on year after year, hearing different versions and not knowing quite who to believe. This is so frustrating, and more upsetting, when you pray always for understanding and wisdom, yet it doesn’t come. Why is this? Patricia…
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Question Asked In Meditation Leads to Funny Business

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Dear Laura, My wife says I’m reading too much into this experience, but… I bought a book on meditation. It said to ask a question during meditation so I asked if there was anyone really listening to me the first few times I practiced. Shortly after that I put my reading glasses down on our small round glass kitchen table – this was Thursday. I remembered putting them there and the entire table surface can…
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