Custom Healing Recordings
Beautiful seeker…
Do you need a personal message of healing support?
How about some kind, loving words to carry you through a challenging time?
Wish you could hear a prayer or affirmation dedicated to you or a loved one?
If your weary heart led you here…and your soul is searching for something that will soothe, comfort and uplift you…You’re in the right place!
Something led you here. Something bigger than all of us.
I’m here to record custom prayers & affirmations for you, so you can get your ancient stardust shining again…
I have a knack for knowing what to say to spark souls. My channeled healing messages, thoughts & prayers are recorded to address your unique individual situation.
No two recordings are alike.
Each Custom Healing Recording is a private journey with me as your personal channel for healing, praying, & affirming over you.
How would...
A Custom Healing Recording for…
It’s about a lot more than money, honey! So often our frustrations, worries, hopes & fears about financial lack close us down to our larger portal of potential. Here is where you get your personal, power boost—unique to you and your situation—to help you expand and keep your energy fluid. It’s your turbo shot of “Oh yeah!—THAT’S the real soul gold stardust truth about me and where I need to ignite!”
May The Force be with you!
Let’s face it, while we’re all born with intuition, up-leveling sure wouldn’t hurt right? What would you do with more access to your gifts? Would you navigate decisions faster? Make your life easier? Relationships better? Discernment in working all the knobs of your plane’s control panels is something every pilot has to master in order to fly.
How would...
A Custom Healing Recording for…
Loss is a deeply personal and intimate thing. In a safe, loving space, I will leave you your personal words to help soothe & validate the vibration of your soul during this painfully jangly time. One breathe at a time, one word at a time, you will receive the healing balm of energetic love that your sweet spirit (*and heart!*) need during this sacred chapter.
Until you’ve been there when you’ve gotten ‘the news’ you can’t imagine how in that instant every.single.thing. in your life just changed. For many it’s a push out of a plane you didn’t want to be on, before you know if you have a parachute, let alone how to work it! This custom recording can lovingly remind you where to draw your strength from, what to focus on & how.
How would...
A Custom Healing Recording for…
Let’s not sugar coat it — stress sucks. Whether it notches up slowly or piles on fast, it hurts! Stress can permeate even the happiest times and disrupt your relationships, parenting, work, and good intentions. You can use this custom recording like a soft sweatshirt, a good hug, a safe soul sister vent session, or for some well-placed laughs… or ALL of those. It’s YOUR custom recording request & heck…you’re stressed. Add whatever sprinkles you like.
All of us have “baggage” in life. This personal recording will be your personal guided invitation into exploring what you’ve packed into those bags and how to lovingly release what is holding you back. Don’t you feel better already knowing you don’t have to play “hit the ball and drag Fred” any further?
Fred is needed elsewhere.
how would A Custom Healing Recording for…
Ohhhhhmygoodness if you’re feeling overwhelmed, you soooo aren’t alone! Overwhelm is a frame freeze. Nothing gets done. You can’t complete the most.basic.tasks. You walk in circles wondering why you went into a room. If you can look around you & see evidence of incomplete tasks OR if you FEEL the evidence inside…mhmm sign up for some recorded personal support & I’ll tailor one to help unravel all that stuckness just for you!
Have you ever tried to drive a car only looking out of the rear view mirror? No! Because it’s unsafe & dangerous! Yet each time your old issues and those old beliefs come up, they are your soul question homework impacting your ability to move forward. This is your custom opportunity to learn how to see these from a different viewpoint so that you can live your life with a clear heart & view through your windshield.
How would...
A Custom Healing Recording for…
The stories you were told about yourself as a little one, the things you overheard, inferred + your lifetime wounds of being unloved, surviving bad relationships, broken promises, feeling unseen…all this has cumulative impacts on your spirit & soul. Yet—STILL—You are a Divine miracle. How might your life energy change with some soul deposits given to you with unconditional love, insight, and wisdom? Something led you here…beloved, it’s your turn!!!
Science is studying our biofield more than ever. Higher frequency vibes (good vibes) have known benefits to you—increased immunity, less stress, greater sense of well-being…what the world needs more right now! This is a wonderful tool of choice to up-level when you feel a wobble start to creep in. Choose this type of personal recording when you need some sparkle back in your ancient stardust.
How would...
A Custom Healing Recording for…
Not all who wander are lost. If you feel off and don’t know why, having an expert Soul Specialist remind you of the how, why & what = meaning of this time will help you refocus, reframe and reposition. Knowledge is power wonder heart. You will shine again.
Remember as a kid when a spinning toy top was not centered—wobbling precariously before wildly toppling over? Your energy—mentally, psychic-ly, physically, spiritually— ALL need centering for you to be able to live your best life, so you don’t wobble energetically. Let’s get you centered, clearer to make good decisions, process emotions, use good judgement & be firmly seated in your soul’s power. Back-On-Top.
Your personal mini pep talk and energy lifter—to help you through whatever you’re facing!
Purchase Custom Healing Recordings for yourself, a situation, or as a great gift for someone you love.
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… Angels sing!
Guides dance!
Custom Recordings are great for:
- Prosperity issues
- Reclaiming Self-worth & Self Esteem
- Healing Old Issues & Beliefs
- Support through Changes
- Burnout
- Comfort in Times of Stress
- Navigating a Health Crisis
- Healing Grief
- Encouragement
- Reassuring etheric hugs
…and more!
- Intuition Support
- When you feel “off” & you’re not sure why
- Raising Your Vibration
- Centering & Well Being
- Releasing Guilt
As an accomplished Channel for Healing,
your Custom Healing Recording may include
things like:
- Channeled healing thoughts for you
- Channeled affirmations for you
- Channeled prayers for you
- My healing instruments & singing
- Nature sounds
- Healing tips to support you
In lieu of flowers give Custom Healing Recordings…
Flowers only last a little while, while your personal healing recording and it’s loving healing sounds of empowerment lives on anytime you play it! It’s a unique, personal way to honor a loved one going through a chapter that calls for reinforcements & specialized soul support.
Read how I’ve helped others…
What people are saying...
“The new dawn blooms as we free it
For there is always light,
if only we’re brave enough to see it
If only we’re brave enough to be it”
~ Amanda Gorman