Can A Psychic Tell You About Your Health Issues?

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Dear Laura, Can a psychic tell you about health issues you might face now or the near future? Yes, if they are experienced in and wired for health intuition. Depending on how experienced they are, you may get ideas, concepts, facts, descriptions, time lines and so forth. Some will see images, others can ‘feel’ the condition, others may ‘hear’ of it and so on…it all depends on how their wiring works. In my case, when…
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Who to Contact to Reach a Deceased Loved One On A Budget?

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Dear Laura, Who can I contact to reach my husband’s spirit, when I’m unable to pay for that particular type of service? Thank you, Pam Dear Pam, I am sorry for your loss. Try the Spiritualist churches. Often times during service messages are given freely to those attending. You may find yourself feeling drawn to one medium in particular as you sample different services and then you can inquire with them for some private assistance.…
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Understanding Your Dream Images And Symbols

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Dear Laura, I keep having a dream about a monkey. When I looked it up in dream books, I felt even more confused. What does the monkey mean? — a friend of Jane Goodall Dear Friend, Fear not! Although countless authors feel they have an exclusive handle on dream interpretation, I use a different approach. I believe that elements in dreams mean something uniquely different to each and every person by design. After all, if…
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How to Handle Bad News When Opening Up Empathically

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Hi Laura, Recently I read the news report of a young man who was senselessly murdered by a classmate. I cannot begin to describe the pain I am feeling regarding this tragedy. I cannot simply seem to let it pass as a news story-even though I do not know this child at all I feel a deep sense of personal loss. In addition my heart cries for his family and friends who were close to…
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Overcoming a Difficult Soul Plan

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Hi Laura, I was born to a teenage mother and heroine addicted father who later abandoned us. My mother was so shamed that she was pregnant with me that she refused to name me. I was told that a nun/nurse working in the Labor and delivery room named me. My life has been a ton of struggles since day one, but I still feel so optimistic and blessed. I have some many talents and understandings…
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