Are Guides And Angels Always Watching?

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Dear Laura, Do angles and guides or spirit beings watch us whenever they want or need to, or are they always around us watching? If so, do they see everything we do? — Suddenly Self-conscious in Watertown Dear Suddenly, This is a great question. I don’t want to overwhelm you, but in addition to our guides, angels and loved ones checking in on us, there are also viewing rooms on the other side as well!…
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Facing A Controlling Partner And Creating Healthy Balance

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Dear Laura, I love my husband, but he is definitely “high maintenance.” I would like to go on a retreat with some girl friends, but he says it isn’t fair for me to go and have an adventure without him. I love him a lot, but how can I get him to understand that I need some time to reunion with my women friends? — (Name withheld upon request) Dear Dutiful, It is important for…
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What To Do About A Sister’s Verbally Abusive Parenting Style?

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Laura, My sister yells at her kids and it really hurts me. What should I tell her? anon Dear Anon, Tell her that it’s easier to build a child than to repair an adult. Offer her some time off to recharge herself (then you can baby sit and provide some contrast in styles). Keep gently speaking up and offering to help. Those kids need you and your sister is exhausted and out of ideas.
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Are Animals Healers?

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Dear Laura, Why do you say that animals are healers? Curious Hi Curious, great question! Because they are. Studies show that petting animals lowers blood pressure, eases depression, changes heart rates and lifts the spirit. More and more animals are becoming healing partners by being utilized as therapy animals for the elderly, ailing, children with emotional developmental issues, learning disorders, and neurological issues. Companion animals offer us back a beautiful river of love and peace…
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Can A Clingy Teen And Her Mom Successfully Reunite?

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Dear Laura, I saw your web site through Bob Olson’s article on psychics and mediums. Laura, my 15-year old daughter has decided she wants to come back and live with me. Is this a good idea for both of us? I have a great desire to be a good mom. She is very needy, needs much attention and is possessive of me. Please advise me how to handle this in a way that promotes both…
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Out Of Work and Unsure of How to Find What to Do Next

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Hi there. I was reading your Q & A on the OfSpirit website, and I’d like to ask a question of you. I’m feeling very stuck in my life at the moment, though my inner life is feeling rich. I’ve been out of work for quite some time, and I feel like I really need to be doing something with my life, but I’m not sure *what*. I’ve asked for guidance, but have not received…
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Overcoming a Difficult Soul Plan

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Hi Laura, I was born to a teenage mother and heroine addicted father who later abandoned us. My mother was so shamed that she was pregnant with me that she refused to name me. I was told that a nun/nurse working in the Labor and delivery room named me. My life has been a ton of struggles since day one, but I still feel so optimistic and blessed. I have some many talents and understandings…
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