How Do Angels And Spirit Guides Allow Bad Things To Happen?

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Dear Laura, You stated that you believe that everyone has spirits, and angels that watch over us; yet, bad things continue to happen. How are they watching and protecting us? Thank you for your time and expertise. Sincerely, K Dear K, You are confusing the presence of spirits and angels with a limited view of the roles that they play. Spirit guides and angels are here to support us, inspire us, encourage us, remind us,…
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How To Find Faith / Have Faith

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Dear Laura, I am someone who has been very pessimistic and insecure for all her life. I have read a lot of materials on synchronicities. I can see them all right. Not that I don’t feel grateful for them, but there are times I just seem not to be able to bring myself to really trust them, especially when obstacles are in sight! Laura, I know that to have faith is a (if not THE)…
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