Sometimes you only have a quick question or two on a pending matter and don’t need 30 or 60 minutes. 15 minute sessions are ideal in just such times! This service is an exclusive love perk for our returning clients ONLY.
Your session is recorded as an MP3 with access emailed to you within 3-4 business days typically.
All readings must be prepaid via this portal. Once your payment is received, your appointment time will then be scheduled and confirmed.
Your confirmation email will provide you with your calling instructions to use when contacting Laura on the date of your session. Laura is based on the East coast of the United States in Eastern time zone (NYC time). If you are in a different time zone, please take this into consideration when scheduling your session.
Returning clients only may book 15 minute appointments.
If your name/info is not in our database, you will not be scheduled. This service is an exclusive love perk for our returning clients ONLY.