Holiday Guilt and Stress

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Dear Laura, Every year for the holidays, I feel pulled in a million directions. My in-laws and my parents all expect us to make the rounds and visit them, the kids have school activities, we have work parties to attend, shopping, cooking, it just all gets to be too much! What I really want to do is run away for a few weeks and not look back. I feel like I am letting everyone down,…
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Choosing The Right Psychic Medium

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Dear Laura, Yesterday, I thought I would treat myself to an early birthday gift and, following some careful research on the OfSpirit website, booked an appointment with a psychic medium of high repute. I have always been interested in these things and have had some prior experiences many years ago which hinted at there being more to life. The medium was a nice man and the reading was so far off base it was, well…
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Follow A Religion Vs. Live Life And See What Happens At Death

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Dear Laura, Should we follow a religion to believe in God, or live our lives and see what happens after death? –Rene Starink, Crete, Greece Dear Rene, Great question! In contrast to some powerful religious factions, I believe that we are each free to worship in the way that feels right and comfortable to us. Despite their pontifications, no single organized religion has the inside ‘track to God’. Could you imagine a God who would…
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Ex Boy Friend Wants Her Back And She’s Confused

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Dear Laura, I had a reading with you this past fall. I don’t want to start depending on psychics to figure out my life but it’s about my former boyfriend. After I finally decided to move on with my life, and things were going good, he popped back up out of the blue. We talked and it looks like he wants me back. I guess I need encouragement or something because my strength around him…
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No Signs From Deceased Dad Yet

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Dear Laura, I often hear about people feeling the presence, or getting signs from their loved one who passed away. My father died about a year and a half ago, where were very close since I was a baby, and I loved him very much. I look for signs that he is around me, but I don’t see or feel his presence. Am I doing something wrong or trying to hard? Please give me some…
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Shaky Marriage Hasn’t Healed From Infidelity, Now Facing Move

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Dear Laura, I will be moving out of the state I presently live in soon, however my house in this state has not sold yet, and my husband has offered to stay here until it is. My major concern is that I do not feel he will be joining me when the house sells. For two years we have had problems since I found out he cheated on me. We are supposedly trying to work…
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Five Year Old Talks To Angels In Her Sleep

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Dear Laura, My 5 year old daughter keeps telling me that she talks to the angels when she sleeps. At first this was cute, but now I am beginning to worry that she is too obsessed with it. She has very vivid dreams and nightmares, and also talks in her sleep. What do you think I should do? Thank you. –AG Dear AG, Relax. From what I can tell, you are the one obsessing about…
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Dealing With An Uncomfortable Coworker

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Dear Laura I work in a large office and am having trouble with a coworker “T”. This person sits near me and is constantly complaining, negative and needy. They don’t have any other friends in the office, so when “T” gravitates towards me I am at a loss as to what to do. I have recently been able to make the connection that I actually feel physically drained by this person from our interactions. Since…
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Cancer Leads To Spiritual Awakening and Arguments Over Treatment

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Dear Laura, Over 3 and a half years ago I dealt with an episode of cancer. Since then, I have been well, and undergoing a truly beautiful spiritual awakening. I feel completely different about so many things, and have been choosing more spiritual paths. Recently, I was diagnosed with another suspicious mass. I am getting enormous pressure from my family and doctor to undergo the same invasive, toxic, radical treatment I used before. I know…
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One Thing You Can Do To Improve Communication with Your Guides

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Dear Laura, What is the one main thing a person can do to improve their communicating with their guides? –Roberta Dear Roberta, Two words: Pay attention! Suspend your linear mind as best you can, and raise your awareness to the things happening all around you. Guides are governed by their own set of Universal Laws. If you make a request, they must respond. Keep it simple and ask for help with one thing at time.…
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